Delicious, but it's not the Colosseum?!

 We have arrived in Verona, it's a good sunny day, with the typical Italian breeze, a lot of chattering, you just feel in the moment, so much that you decide to have a quick lunch in the 'Peperino Pizza & Grill' in Piazzetta Municipio 10 (Verona). 

But as you get out you see this huge building, similar to the Colosseum, but it is not, this is our first stop of the Verona tour, The Arena. 

The Arena is a Roman amphitheatre located in Piazza Bra. It was built in the first century during the times of the Roman empire, and it is still in use today for entertainment events, and shows such as concerts, and large scale operas performances with a capacity of 22000 people. During the times of the Roman Empire the Arena was used for entertainment purposes, but not quite the one's we'd have today. The building was host of circuses, but most importantly violent fights between gladiators, and animals from different parts of the world. this might be far from the form of entertainment we are accustomed to today, but this was the norm in this prestigious building which as mentioned before now hosts different types of events, and form of entertainments. A tour of the Arena is available starting from €20 by purchasing the Verona Card which will enable you to visit this site, and a few others that we will discover later on our journey. If you want to purchase the card here is the link: Book Things To Do, Attractions, and Tours | GetYourGuide

And for the people who want to have a little preview of the Arena here it is: (51) Arena Di Verona Italy 4k drone footage - YouTube

Now it's time for us to move on with our journey, after a delicious lunch, and a chilling experience at The Arena we are now going to our next destination which is.....


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